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Showing posts from June, 2012

The Grill House

The Grill House has opened its doors here at the Heritage and that should be good news to those residents that like change.  The restaurant is located at the previous site of the Glen Doman centre(which I think moved upstairs to Critterland). When you enter the establishment you are often greeted by the husband or wife who own the place. They are polite, hospitable and generally make you feel welcomed. The food is a bit of a mixed bag. There are plenty of grilled options: steak, lamb, chicken. Each grilled platter comes with steamed vegetables and a baked potato. Its healthy but hearty.  The burger section is extensive. Although, there is not a huge amount of variation there is more than enough to curb ur hunger. There is also an assortment of Persian flavoured dishes like his fine grilled kebabs.  the odd ball on the menu is pizza. The pizza is good but it kind of sits off as its not grilled. Today I am having the double cheeseburger. It is great.

Broken dreams....

Well it's official. The dream is dead. Sorry to be the one to tell you but it's my job... Not only did I get NOTHING on a day out in KL but my beloved 3ds died. Dead. Very sad. Just when I thought things could not get any worse I told my mom I would flee Malaysia and she reminded me that I can't do that as I have a financial commitment with a chair I purchased.  A damn chair!!!! Some days you just can't win.

On the go

So apparently there is a blogger app for android and apparently I am testing it right now... Well it may brag about its 'on the go uses' but I predict I will only use it when I am too lazy to boot up my laptop. Isn't technology grand?

They will use anything for protein these days

In my travels around South East Asia I have seen some really odd food.  People here eat a variety of strange things which is great as it allows me to explore a different culture and gives more flavour (haha) to living abroad. Would you eat a Jawa? Yesterday I found a very very disturbing food item on a local menu and I would like to start a petition banning the senseless slaughter of the elegant and noble creatures used to make this 'delicacy.'  Now I know what you are thinking shark fin right?  Hells to the no.  Dolphin?  no way Jose!  I am talking about the merciless harvesting of Jawas to make JAWA FRIED RICE!!! These little cloaked guys are great for the environment... I mean they salvaged every scrap of space crap that fell on that planet in Star Wars and they served for one heck of a plot point to coincidentally put Luke together with C3PO and R2D2.  Yeah I think we need a telethon for this... Another thing does bother me though... Why is the price to low?... Is J

How Dynasty Warriors helped me amaze people

Dynasty Warriors is a decade old video game franchise from the good people at now Tecmo-Koei, which loosely follows the plot of the historical Chinese novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms . The game is a fairly simple one and it is generally a crowd-pleaser for multi-play, with much button mashing and very little in the way of cerebral notions. It is a hack and slash game in the truest sense: that is literally what you do.  I'm a fan of the game that is no secret and the game got me interested in 'Three Kingdoms' stuff. A good friend of mine bought me the 2 volume set when I moved to Asia and I ingested that tome. For those of you unfamiliar (with the book not the game) Three Kingdoms is in many ways a political book and a mythological book than an action packed page turner; it has epic battles, intrigue, and larger than life characters.  When reading about the exploits of Lu Bu, or Guan Yu thoughts spring to mind of the Illiad and its set of epic heroes. Dynasty Warriors