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Showing posts from July, 2012

New Dr Who promo!?!?!?

Don't let the subject fool you... I have no info about the Dr Who TV programme other than to say it is awesome! My post is about a funny (and awesome) roll of tape I saw at work.  The tape in question is pictured below.. Dr Who Packing tape!?!?!  Who knew? The cool thing about this tape is that the roll is bigger on the inside than the outside.

Imported food in KL

Well in case you couldn't tell I am a big guy, naturally, you can assume I like to eat and I enjoy hunting for imported food. Shopping in Asia is usually fun, but for me nothing beats discovering some food item I haven't had in years at a Malaysia grocery store. Imported food in Malaysia is a real mixed bag.  A large portion of the 'western food' you find is from Australia, which makes perfect sense geographically.  You also find tons from Asia (both East and Middle) and a moderate amount from Europe.  British imports are also quite numerous and are perhaps equal to what you find from North America. The curious thing about a lot of imported food in Malaysia is that it is primarily convenience food (especially if frozen) or junk (chips, biscuits, candies, etc).  I think that's not too bad though especially since it is usually the junky foods that I find I am craving (like cheetos).  Cereal chimes in a a strange import good.  I saw strange because you can get impo

Child of Eden - A Game Review

The Box Art Child of Eden is a visually interesting, though not particularly stunning game. The premise is fairly simple: Shoot crap. It's a rail shooter, which means you are stuck in one linear place moving back and forth shooting crap.  The interesting part is that when you shoot things it has a drum beat, that drum beat accents the game's own music at times which adds a cool dimension to playing. The game makes use (on the PS3 release) of the PS move motion controller. I only used the move controls as I thought they would allow for the most fun experience.  The move provides a decent level of control although at times I felt them to be sluggish and a bit of an impediment... then again I may have simply been too close to the screen. The story is kind of a bit weird. There is a girl named 'Lumi' who apparently needs to be saved so we have to shoot strange geometric shapes in Space in order to uh... rescue her?  Ok so I am not really very sure on that one. There

The Rat King

At the Heritage there is a group of statues depicting the Chinese Zodiac.  For those of you who don't know the Chinese Zodiac consists of twelve animals that have some influence or other on your life (just like the western zodiac). I am a monkey which apparently has something to do with my playfulness, guile, and penchant for bananas. I have noticed that there is a huge rat that hangs out at the heritage... not mutatedly huge but it is a sizable rat none the less. Now I know what you are all collectively saying... 'Who cares?' or 'Why is this possibly blog-worthy' well I will tell you.  The big ass rat has a nest and its nest is under the statue of... THE RAT.  How cool is that?  The rat has its own place under proportionally a giant rat.  Imagine you lived in a house with a giant person on top... pretty cool...  Picture to come soon.  I can never seem to get my phone out in time to a picture of the rat... it seems like it may become some kind of urban legend type

Album listening - a lost artform

I was reading some album reviews on the net and a reviewer was mentioning that a certain album would be difficult to listen through for the average listener. This got me thinking: how easy is it to listen through a CD without skipping tracks?  It turns out it is harder than it seems. There are many deciding factors in this challenge; general interest in the artist, free time to spend listening, and like-ability of the songs.  I have found that more experimental or concept albums are very hit and miss for this experiment as they are either coherent (successful concept) or just plain wrong (unsuccessful concept). I think these days people are not really interested in sitting and listening to a whole CD. We just grab the tracks we like (the singles most likely), bop them on our Iphone/android/mp3/etc and listen to only those songs... after all they are the best: right? I want to buck the trend. I want to listen to it all and I'll only put full albums on my mobile device! Yesterday

Blogger's block

I appear to have suffered from blogger's block which i am assuming is a distant cousin of writer's block...  basically I didn't have any idea what to blog about that would be appropriately interesting.  I suppose these things do happen to the best of us. When I took creative writing the teacher told us when we have writer's block we should simply write the first thing that pops into our head and go from there; even if it is stream of consciousness. For a blog that would be quite annoying and unreadable so I have saved the cyber-world and simply wrote about the process. Now on to bigger and better things...