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Today I'm supposed to be giving some interviews.  So while I wait for my candidates to arrive I thought I would share my thoughts on the interviewing world.

Interviewing people for a job is a lot harder than you might think. There are some people who interview very poorly but are very good employees and on the flip side there are those fun people who interview fantastically and you regret hiring after about 12 seconds.  In the end it is like most things in the world an imprecise science of gauging a hundred different variables and then hoping for the best.

I've had some funny interviews in the past... I've had people come in looking like they are on the way to the beach, some looking like they are going to the pasar (market) later, some looking business ready, and I've even seen some come in club ready.  There have even been some people who were not proficient in English coming in...  By far my favourite interviews have been the ones where the interviewee says something that tells you they don't want the job: but that is not what they mean. something along the lines of 'When would you be able to start?' - Answer 'I don't know' or 'I think I can't now' or 'When do YOU think I can start?' A little confidence could go a long way.

Language is always another factor I don't understand.  You want to get a job as a teacher BUT (and that is a big but) you fail to check your CV/resume/cover letter for spelling, grammar, and typing errors.  I have only one button for those applicants: *DELETE* I think it is also never a good idea to open with 'I am not good at communicating' or 'My English is not very well'  *eyes roll*

I run a pretty relaxed interview.  I think having a conversation can tell me a bit more than some of the 'interview'  questions we are forced to use when hiring, however, some people mistake this for my wanting to be friends or an opening to ask bizarre questions.  Now I have no problems befriending anyone but time and place people... TIME AND PLACE!!!!

Well that is my morning thoughts time to make some copies and work on some more syllabussy stuff... unfortunately I can't bring my PS3 to the office for break time!

That's the way I see it


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